Practitioner's Kit (As per Old Rules 2011-2012)
- Procedure for Cost Audit
- Statutory provision u/s 209 (1) (d) of The Companies Act
3-A EForm 23C of Application to the Central
Government for Appointment of Cost Auditors
3-B Instructions for filing up EForm 23C
4-A EForm23D Information by Cost Auditor to
Central Government
4-B Instructions for filing up EForm 23D
5-A Certificate in writing from the Cost Auditor
proposed to be appointed to the effect that the appointment if made,
will be in accordance
with the provisions of Sub-section (IB) of Sec 224 of The Companies Act 1956.
5-B Certificate in writing from the Cost Auditor
proposed to be appointed to Audit Committee for his independence
and having arm's
length relationship with the company
6 Draft Board Resolution - for Appointment
of Cost Auditor
7 Companies (Cost Audit Report) Rules, 2011
8 Companies (Cost Audit Report)Amendment Rules,2012
9 Draft of Communication to the previous Cost
10 Suggestive List of Documents/ Certificates/Records
Required from the Company for conduct of Cost Audit
11 Provisions relating to issue of duplicate certificate
12 Provisions relating to Certificate of Practice