
The Institute of Cost Accountants of India

(Statutory Body under an Act of Parliament)

Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)

About Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)

  • The concept of UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number) is implemented to curb the malpractices of misleading the Authorities and Stakeholders by non-CMAs misrepresenting themselves as CMAs and attesting the Costing Data / documents / certificates.
  • UDIN secures the certificates attested / certified by practicing CMAs (in full time practice only). UDIN Web Portal enables the third parties (Authorities / Regulators / Banks / Others) to check the authenticity of the documents.
  • Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) is an 18 digit system generated Unique Number for every document Certified / Attested by Practicing CMAs.
  • The configuration of 18-digit UDIN is as under.

    YY – Last two digits of current year (2 digits).
    MMMMM – Membership Number of CMAs (5 digits).
    ZZ - Code for Ministry (2 digits).
    NANANANAN – Alpha Numeric Random Number generated by system (9 digits).

    1920371ZZSBGI4NCRO – Sample UDIN

  • UDIN is to be generated at the time of signing of the document [for each assignment] through UDIN Portal; however the same can be generated within the given limit of signing the document.
  • UDIN can be generated for the documents / certificates available on the UDIN portal by selecting a document from the list and providing other details like date of signing the document, detail of financial figures and document description [No details of the client to be mentioned anywhere].
  • UDIN generation does not require any document upload.
  • UDIN has to be printed / watermarked or handwritten on the document for which it is generated. It can be mentioned after signatures and membership number of member.
  • UDIN generated through the UDIN portal does not have an expiry however the same can be revoked.
  • Authorities / Regulators / Banks / Others can verify the UDIN through the UDIN Web Portal giving few details like Name of person, Mobile No, and Email etc.


This UDIN System has been developed by The Institute of Cost Accountants of India to facilitate its members for verification and certification of the documents and for securing documents and authenticity thereof by Regulators. However, The Institute assumes no responsibility of verification and certification of document(s) carried out by the Members and the concerned member(s) shall alone be responsible therefore.