The Institute of Cost Accountants of India

(Statutory body under an Act of Parliament)

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India is a statutory body enacted by the Parliament under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 to regulate and develop the profession of Cost and Management Accountancy in India. The Institute is governed by the Council, responsible for the affairs of the Institute and for discharging the functions under the Cost and Works Accountants Act, 1959 having its Headquarters at Kolkata, Office at New Delhi, 4 Regional Councils at Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata and New Delhi, 117 Chapters and 11 overseas centres. The Institute is looking for high profile and multi-faceted personality with leadership qualities, excellent communication, interpersonal and motivational skills for the position of:


SL Name of the Position No. of Post
1 Senior Officer 1



Details of Vacancies available at Annexure- I




1. Date of Reckoning
The date of reckoning for computation of eligibility towards age /experience / qualification / etc. shall be 1st January, 2025. On the date of reckoning, the applicants should possess the requisite qualifications, experience, etc.


2. Age Limit, Experience, Qualification, Place of Posting & Cost to Company (CTC)
Preferred age, qualification and minimum experience required for the position as well as the additional desirable qualification for candidates as on the date of reckoning. Annexure- I


3. Salary and Other Benefits
Besides Basic Pay, the selected candidate shall be entitled to DA, HRA, Other Allowances, PF, Gratuity etc. as per Institute’s rules.


4. Submission of Application On-line
The candidates shall be required to submit their application online through the Institute's Website ( No other means / mode of application shall be accepted. Candidates should ensure that they fulfil the prescribed eligibility and other conditions mentioned in this advertisement against the post applied.


5. Closing Date for Online Application
The last date for online application is 31st January,2025 till 6.00 PM Please click here for filling the online application.


6. Internal Candidates (i.e. employees working under permanent payroll of the Institute / employed through engaged 3rd party agency for not less than 3 years)
The serving employees of the Institute of Cost Accountants of India desirous of applying against the advertised post shall also have to submit their applications Online. They shall also have to fulfil the eligibility criteria with regard to Required Experience & Qualification

For the position of Senior Officer and above, they shall, however, be required to have rendered at least one year of service in the next below grade / scale of pay of the post applied.


7. Selection Procedure
The selection procedure shall be through Written test, Group Discussion and Personal Interview. The decision of management of the Institute in the selection process shall be final. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature.


8. Probation Period
The candidates if appointed to a particular post shall have to undergo a minimum probationary period of 1 year from the date of joining. Their services may be confirmed on satisfactory completion of the probationary period.


9. Process of Screening & Short listing
Mere submission of application does not give any right to any person to be called/appeared for selection process. The process of Screening & short listing shall be on the basis of qualification, experience & suitability for the post. The decision of the Institute shall be final and binding in this regard.


10. Call Letters
Call letter for Interview shall be sent through e-mail and by post. All correspondence with the candidate shall be done through e-mail at the mailing details provided by the candidate only.

The Institute shall not be responsible for any loss of email / letter sent, due to invalid / wrong email ID or corresponding address provided by the candidate or due to any other reason.


11. Amendments / Modification / Corrigendum
Any amendment / modification / corrigendum in respect of recruitment through this Advertisement shall only be communicated through the Institute’s website, candidates are advised to keep themselves updated by visiting the website from time-to-time for updates, etc.


12. General
  1. Candidates are advised to submit the Online Recruitment Applications with relevant documents attached well in advance without waiting for the closing date.
  2. Candidate's Passport -size colour photo graph (size less than 300 KB) and signature in black-ink (size less than 50 KB) in jpg format to be uploaded.
  3. Candidates for the posts mentioned above are advised to satisfy themselves fully before applying that they meet all the prescribed eligibility criteria for the concerned position.
  4. The candidates should note that the details provided by them in their application are taken on their face value and the onus of proving the correctness and authenticity of the same as and when required lies with the applicant.
  5. Candidates should indicate their organization structure (Board Level downwards) depicting their position along with brief detail of their role and responsibilities in the current assignments.
  6. In case of variation in name / surname / name spelling mentioned in the application with that in the respective certificates pertaining to Qualification / Caste / etc., the applicant shall be required to submit an affidavit from SDM or equivalent to this effect along with the respective documents at the time of interview failing which the candidature shall be liable to be cancelled.
  7. In case it is found that information furnished by a candidate is false or defective in any manner, the candidature of such persons will be summarily rejected as and when it comes to the notice of the management. The candidates are advised to satisfy themselves fully about the correctness of the information furnished.
  8. Candidates called for interview shall be reimbursed to and fro fare by shortest route as per rules of Institute from the address of correspondence in India to the place of interview on submission of proof of journey limited to Air Fare /rail fair as per rules subject to production of proof of journey.
  9. Candidates employed in Government / Semi-Government / Public Sector Undertaking are required to submit their applications through online mode. They will be required to produce No Objection Certificate from their present employer at the time of interview.
  10. The short-listing of the candidates for further process will be done based on the information on provisional basis. The candidates are expected to submit the originals in support of their age, qualification, experience etc. at the time of written test / group discussion / interview or at any point of time and if the information provided by them are found to be incorrect, their candidature for the post will be summarily rejected. In such case, the travel re-imbursement as mentioned in Clause(viii) will not be provided by the Institute.
  11. Institute shall be free to reject any application at any stage of the recruitment process if the candidate is found ineligible for the position for which he/she has applied or If a candidate is unable to produce the testimonials at the time of Interview regarding their qualification/ NoC and/or experience, no claim for reimbursement of travel expenses shall be entertained.
  12. Clear release order has to be submitted by the candidate at the time of joining if selected for any post. The Institute does not accept appointments on the basis of Deputation/Lien from any organization.
  13. Institute reserves the right to change the number vacancies and cancel the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
  14. Selected candidate shall be liable to serve the Institute anywhere in India and the job is transferable.
  15. Institute shall not be liable for any delay or loss in postal transit for any reasons whatsoever.
  16. Before clicking on the submit button, kindly ensure that all correct entries have been filled and all required documents have been uploaded. Edit option is not available after clicking on the submit button.
  17. Legal jurisdiction in case of any dispute arising out of this recruitment shall exclusively be at Kolkata only.